Frequently Asked Questions about Prepare to Administer Remote Tests
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Frequently Asked Questions about Prepare to Administer Remote Tests

How to approve students to take a test from home

videoVIDEOHow to approve students to take a test from home

FAQs teachers

FaqsFAQsThis document helps teachers answer questions about technology issues they may encounter with their home internet or computer while administering a test at home

How to create and administer tests to students when they are not in the classroom

moduleMODULEHow to create and administer tests to students when they are not in the classroom

How to administer a remote test session to students at home

guideGUIDEHow to administer a remote test session to students at home

How to communicate with students during a remote testing session

videoVIDEOHow to communicate with students during a remote testing session

How technology coordinators can help teachers administer remote testing sessions while at home and how technology coordinators can help to prepare technology for students and teachers

brochureGUIDEHow technology coordinators can help teachers administer remote testing sessions while at home and how technology coordinators can help to prepare technology for students and teachers