Frequently Asked Questions about Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations
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Frequently Asked Questions about Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations

What is print on demand?

Print on demand is an accommodation the requires an IEP or 504 plan. This accommodation allows eligible students to request a paper print-out of passages/stimuli and items that would appear on the online test. This accommodation should not be used as a replacement for a paper test administration. Refer to the Accommodations Guide for additional information on print-on-demand.

How will the Test Administrator know prior to testing that the print on demand accommodation may be needed?

This accommodation will be listed in the student's record in TIDE. Accommodations are also visible via the TA Interface while approving tests and during testing. The print on demand accommodation applies to either passages/stimuli or items, or both.

For the mark-for-review universal tool, will selections remain visible after a 20-minute break?

If a student takes a break for longer than 20 minutes, the student will not be able to access items from previous screens.

Can universal tools be turned off if it is determined that they will interfere with the student’s performance on the assessment?

Yes. If a TA, TE, or educational team determines that a universal tool might be distracting or that students do not need to or are unable to use them, they can be turned off. This can be done by changing student settings in the TA interface prior to approving student entry into an online test. For additional information on how to change student settings in the TA interface, please see the Test Administrator (TA) User Guide.

For the highlighter universal tool, if a student pauses a test, do the highlighter marks disappear?

If a student is working on a passage or stimulus on a screen and pauses the test to take a break, the student will still have access to the information visible on that particular screen. For highlighting to remain visible after a pause, students need to log in to the test using the same operating system prior to pausing their test.

What is to be done for special cases of “sudden” physical disability?

One exception to the IEP or 504 requirement is for students who have had a physical injury (e.g., broken hand or arm) that impairs their ability to use a computer. For these situations, students may use the speech-to-text or scribe accommodations (if deemed appropriate based on the student having had sufficient experience with the use of the accommodations). Please contact the NHDOE for further information.

Who determines how non-embedded accommodations are provided?

IEP teams and educators make decisions about non-embedded accommodations. These teams (or educators for 504 plans) provide evidence of the need for accommodations and ensure that they are noted on the IEP or 504 plan. 

What is the difference between embedded and non-embedded approaches? How might educators decide what is most appropriate?

Embedded versions of the universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations are provided digitally through the test delivery system while non-embedded versions are provided at the local level through means other than the test delivery system. The choice between embedded and non-embedded universal tools and designated supports should be based on the individual student’s needs. The decision should reflect the student’s prior use of, and experience with, both embedded and non-embedded universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations. It is important to note that although Print on Demand is a non-embedded accommodation, permission for students to request printing must first be set in Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE).

Which students should use each category of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations?

Universal tools are available to all students, including those receiving designated supports and those receiving accommodations. Designated supports are available only to students for whom an adult or team (consistent with state-designated practices) has indicated the need for these supports (as well as those students for whom the need is documented). Accommodations are available only to those students with documentation of the need through either an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or a 504 accommodation plan. Students who have IEPs or 504 accommodation plans also may use designated supports and universal tools.

What are the differences among the three categories of universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations?

Universal tools are access features that are available to all students based on student preference and selection. Designated supports for the New Hampshire Statewide assessments are those features that are available for use by any student (including English language learners, students with disabilities, and English language learners with disabilities) for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or team of educators (with parent/guardian and student input as appropriate). Accommodations are changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during the New Hamphsire Statewide assessments by generating valid assessment results for students who need them and allowing these students the opportunity to show what they know and can do. The Accommodations Guide identifies accommodations for students for whom there is documentation of the need for the accommodations on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 accommodation plan.

Universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations may be either embedded in the test administration system or provided locally (non-embedded).